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(Part 2)

Peraturan :
(Peraturannya ada pada Quiz 1)
Yg ngelanggar peraturan, Auto report.

Ngasal??? Auto Report!!!

Wajib Jawab Semua soal yg ada pada gambar, pakai penjelasan ya, NO COPAS.




Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  • A. You : No, Thanks because I have a toothache.
  • B. You : Thank you but my father is coming to fetch me.
  • C. You : would you like some juice?
  • D. You : Let me help you to cross the road


Make an offer

➡️ membuat penawaran bantuan, atau menawarkan dalam melakukan sesuatu

  • Can/may I help you?
  • What can I do for you?
  • What can I get for you?
  • Do you want me to … ?
  • Do you wont …..
  • Would you like me to ….
  • Would you like some candies?
  • Would you like to have a pancake?
  • Let me …
  • I’ll …. if you ‘d like
  • Shall I …………….?
  • Want some…?
  • Chocolate?


➡️ Menerima penawaran

  • Oh yes, I’d love to.
  • That sounds nice.
  • That’s very kind of you.
  • Oh, thank you. Yes, please

➡️ Menolak penawaran

  • No, Thanks
  • No, Thank you
  • Thank you but I think I will do myself
  • Thanks, I can do myself


Exercise 4 Complete the dialogues.

A. Your friend is offering you some candies. You have a toothache, so you turn down your teacher's offer.

  • Your friend : Want some candies? (Mau permen)
  • You : No, Thanks because I have a toothache. (Tidak, makasih karena saya sedang sakit gigi)

B. Your teacher is offering you a lift home, but your father is coming to fetch you.

  • Your teacher: Won't you have a lift home? (Maukah kamu pulang dengan tumpangan?
  • You : Thank you but my father is coming to fetch me. (Makasih ya tapi ayahku akan menjemputku.)

C. An uncle of yours is visiting your house. You're offering him some juice in the refrigerator.

  • You : would you like some juice? (Kamu mau jus?)
  • Uncle : Of course! Thanks a lot. (Tentu saja, Makasih ya)

D. On your way home, an old woman is trying to cross the highway. You're offering her a help to cross the road.

  • You : Let me help you to cross the road. (Ijinkan saya membantumu menyebrang)
  • The old woman : Thank you, my dear. That's very kind of you. (Terimakasih, kamu baik sekali)

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Make an Offer: brainly.co.id/tugas/24550921


Mapel: B. Inggris

Materi: Make an Offer

Kelas: 11

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5