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jawab 1 aja dapet poin,

jawab 3 aja tapi benar ✔ dapet poin dan ♥,

jawab 5 dan benar ✔ dapet poin, ♥, ★★★★★,dan jawaban tercerdas ☺

soal ✍

1. how many people are there in the dialogue?

2. who are they?

3. what are they talking about?

4. find the expression of giving an example to do something in the dialogue!

5. find the expression of giving an instruction in the dialogue!




1. How many people are there in the dialogue? ( two people )

2. Who are they? ( The students )

3. What are they talking about? ( talk about their English test scores )

4. Find the expression of giving an example to do something in the dialogue? ( enthusiasm to give a better score in the next test )

5. Find the expression of giving an instruction in the dialogue? ( on how to remember material more easily )

note : yang di dalam tanda kurung itu jawabannya