Assignment Biography
Read and study the biography text below!
The Early Life of Marie Curie
Marie Curie (Maria Sklodowska) was a Polish-born French physicist. She was born on Noverver 7, 1867 in Warsaw. She was the youngest of five children. Her mother passed away due to tuberculosis when she was 11. Then, she was brought up by her father, Ladislas. Like her father, she had interst in math and physics.
She was an outstanding student in secondary school. In spite of her intelligence, she could not attend University of Warsaw because it was only for men. Therefore, she attended Warsaw’s “floating university”, an informal and secret higher education institution. That’s the reason why she and her sister, Bronya, dreamed of studying for a formal degree aborad. However, they did not have any money for that. Then, She made a deal with her sister. Curie would support Bronya’s education. She would reciprocate after completing her studies.
For about five years, Curie worked as a tutor and a governess while she was studying. At that time, she read a lot of physics, chemistry and math books. Finally she had an opportunity to realize her dream. She registered herself at Sorbonne in Paris. She was very serious about learning in Paris. She dedicated most her time studying. She did not care about her health. She had to survive in Paris with a little money, so buttered bread and tea were her only diet. That’s the reason why her health sometimes suffered.
Curie had a master’s degree in physics and mathematics. In the 1890s, she was assigned to carry out a study on different types of steel and their magnetic qualities. To do so, Curie did her experiments in Pierre Curie’s laboratory. Then, she married Pierre Curie. They became a scientific dynamic duo.
1. What is the text mainly about?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. Why couldn’t she attend University of Warsaw?
4. What did Marie Curie do?
5. What can you infer from Marie Currie’s personality?
6. Give the example of pronouns used in the text! (at least 3)
7. Give the example of ‘to be’ and verbs found in the text! (at least 3)
1 / 1
1. Marie Curie (Maria Sklodowska) was a Polish-born French physicist
2. The Early Life of Marie Curie
3. she could not attend University of Warsaw because it was only for men
4. –
5. Be the best and don't give up easily
6. –
7. –
Biografi Penugasan
Baca dan pelajari teks biografi di bawah ini!
Kehidupan Awal Marie Curie
Marie Curie (Maria Sklodowska) adalah seorang fisikawan Prancis kelahiran Polandia. Dia lahir pada Noverver 7, 1867 di Warsawa. Dia adalah anak bungsu dari lima bersaudara. Ibunya meninggal karena tuberkulosis ketika dia berusia 11 tahun. Kemudian, dia dibesarkan oleh ayahnya, Ladislas. Seperti ayahnya, dia tertarik pada matematika dan fisika.
Dia adalah siswa yang berprestasi di sekolah menengah. Terlepas dari kecerdasannya, dia tidak dapat menghadiri Universitas Warsawa karena hanya untuk laki-laki. Oleh karena itu, ia kuliah di "universitas terapung" Warsawa, sebuah lembaga pendidikan tinggi informal dan rahasia. Itulah alasan mengapa dia dan saudara perempuannya, Bronya, bermimpi untuk belajar aborad secara formal. Namun, mereka tidak punya uang untuk itu. Kemudian, Dia membuat kesepakatan dengan saudara perempuannya. Curie akan mendukung pendidikan Bronya. Dia akan membalasnya setelah menyelesaikan studinya.
Selama sekitar lima tahun, Curie bekerja sebagai guru dan pengasuh saat dia belajar. Saat itu, dia banyak membaca buku fisika, kimia dan matematika. Akhirnya dia mendapat kesempatan untuk mewujudkan mimpinya. Dia mendaftarkan dirinya di Sorbonne di Paris. Dia sangat serius tentang belajar di Paris. Dia mendedikasikan sebagian besar waktunya untuk belajar. Dia tidak peduli dengan kesehatannya. Dia harus bertahan hidup di Paris dengan sedikit uang, jadi roti mentega dan teh adalah satu-satunya makanannya. Itulah alasan mengapa kesehatannya terkadang terganggu.
Curie memiliki gelar master dalam fisika dan matematika. Pada tahun 1890-an, dia ditugaskan untuk melakukan studi tentang berbagai jenis baja dan kualitas magnetnya. Untuk melakukannya, Curie melakukan eksperimennya di laboratorium Pierre Curie. Kemudian, dia menikah dengan Pierre Curie. Mereka menjadi duo dinamis ilmiah.
1. Teks terutama tentang apa?
2. Apa tujuan teks itu?
3. Mengapa dia tidak bisa kuliah di Universitas Warsawa?
4. Apa yang dilakukan Marie Curie?
5. Apa yang dapat Anda simpulkan dari kepribadian Marie Currie?
6. Berikan contoh kata ganti yang digunakan dalam teks! (setidaknya 3)
7. Berikan contoh 'menjadi' dan kata kerja yang ditemukan dalam teks! (setidaknya 3)