1. A person whose job is to send letters …

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2. Doctor who perfoms surgery (cutting open the body) …
3. A person who operates the contols of a plane …
4. His/her job is writing for newspaper, magazines or television …
5. A person who organizes a business or sports team …
6. She types letters in an office …
7. A person who serves visitors at a restaurant (woman)
8. He or she sells fish at a shop/market …
9. His job is to put out fires …

1. A person whose job is to send letters …

1. Mailman
2. Surgeon
3. Pilot
4. Journalist
5. Organizer
6. Secretary
7. Waitress
8. Fish seller
9. Firefighter

1. Mailman
2. Surgeon
3. Pilot
4. Editor or journalist
5. Entrepreneur
6. Secretary
7. Waitress
8. Fish seller
9. Firefighter