1. According to Mrs. Harum:

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a. Siti can help her with the housework before she goes to school.

b. She can get up early herself.

2. According to Rani:

a. Yuli can ________________________________________________

b. She can ________________________________________________

c. She can ________________________________________________

3. According to Mr. Adnan:

a. Many students can ______________________________________

4. According to Denata:

a. Fatima can _____________________________________________

5. According to Mrs. Fauzia:

a. Birds can _______________________________________________

b. We cannot _____________________________________________

c. We can ________________________________________________

d. We can ________________________________________________

6. According to Mr. Rendy:

a. We cannot _____________________________________________

b. We can ________________________________________________

7. According to Mrs. Gracia:

a. We can ________________________________________________

b. We can ________________________________________________

8. According to Widi:

a. Anton can _____________________________________________

b. He can ________________________________________________

1. According to Mrs. Harum:

a. Yuli can make fried rice
b. She can fry the egg nicely
c. she can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery

a. adi can read his story loudly

a. Fatma can sing very loudly

a. Birds can fly because they have wings
b. we cannot fly
c. we can make planes
d. we can fly very high and go to far places

a. we cannot swim across the sea
b. we can go to other island

a. we can work together
b. we can understand it easily

a. anton can go up the stairs himself
b. he can also go down easily

maaf kalo Salah….
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