1). Agreement

Posted on

I agree with you (saya setuju denganmu)
I think so (saya pikir begitu)
That's a good idea (itu ide yang bagus)
Absolutely agree (sangat setuju)
2). Disagreement
I disagree with you (saya tidak setuju denganmu)
I don't think so (saya tidak pikir begitu)
I'm not sure about that (saya tidak yakin tentang itu)

Read the conversation
1. How does Lina feel?
2. What does Udin suggest to Lina?
3. Does Siti agree with Udin?
4. What does Edo suggest to Lina?
5. What does Beni say to show his disagreement?

1). Agreement

1). Agreement


1. Lina does not feel well.

2. Udin suggests lina should go to the doctor.

3. Yes, Siti agrees with Udin.

4. Edo suggests Lina should take a rest.

5. Beni says: I don't think that's a good idea.


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Giving Agreement & disagreement (memberikan persetujuan & ketidak setujuan) dan Giving Suggestions (memberikan Saran) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Giving Suggestions:

Udin suggests lina should go to the doctor.

Edo suggests Lina should take a rest.


I don't think that's a good idea.

Giving Agreement:

Siti agrees with Udin.

Semoga membantu ya.