1.camp – going – they – to – are

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2.me – call – later – will – he

3.pick-to-up – you – Jane – going – is

4.sunset – will – the – see – we
move – new – 1 – house – am – to-going – a – to

1.camp - going - they - to - are

1.camp – going – they – to – are


they are going to camp

they arent going to camp

he will call me later

he wouldnt call me later

is jane going to pick you up

jane isnt going to pick you up

we will see the sunset

we wouldnt see the sunset

I am going move to a new hause

iam not going move to a new house

1. They are going to camp
2. He will call me later
3. Jane is going to pick you up
4. We will see the sunset
5. I am going to move to a new house