1. Change the following sentence into PASSIVE: “The crabs injured the bird.” *

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A. The bird were injured by the crabs.
B. The crabs were injured by the bird.
C. The bird was injured by the crabs.
D. The bird is injured by the crabs.
2. Venice, ………….. we spent our last holiday, is a wonderful place. *

A. when
B. which
C. where
D. that
3. The North Pole …………… a latitude of 90 degrees north. *

A. it has
B. is having
C. which is having
D. has
4. I like this ………… …………. ………….. shoes. *

A. brown leather comfortable
B. comfortable leather brown
C. comfortable brown leather
D. brown comfortable leather
5. The committee ………………….. me as the winner of the giveaway last night. *

A. choose
B. chosen
C. chosed
D. chose
6. Let's buy some food for dinner. We don't have ………… *

A. many
B. any
C. much
D. some

1. Change the following sentence into PASSIVE: “The crabs injured the bird.” *


1. a

2. c

3. d

4. b

5. d

6. b


maap klo ada yng salah ya


1. C. The bird was injured by the crabs.

2. C. where

3. D. has

4. C. comfortable brown leather

5. D. chose

6. B. any


1. Passive voice (simple past) –> S' (O) + to be (was/were) + V3 + by + O' (S).

2. Where –> Relative pronoun/kata ganti penghubung tempat/lokasi (yang digantikan venice).

3. General truths –> simple present tense.

4. Adjective order: General opinion – Specific opinion – Size – Shape – Age – Colour – Nationality – Material.

  • Comfortable –> general opinion
  • Brown –> colour
  • Leather –> material

5. Last night –> simple past tense.

6. …don't have –> tidak punya, maka yang tepat "any".

Any dipakai untuk kalimat negatif atau kalimat tanya.

Semoga membantu^^