1. Dila: Are you football players?

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Players: Yes. We…We…football players

2. Rista: …they from Germany?
Lita: No, they…They…from Italy

3. Alvi: Are they Chinese?
Fira: Yes. they…They…Chinese

4. Yuda: …you Brazilian?
Tourists: No, we…We…Argentinean

5. Fahri: …Dito and Dita twins?
Sari: Yes, they…They…twins


1. Dila: Are you football players?


1. Dila: are you football players?

Players: yes. we are. we are football players

2. Rista:are they from germany?

Lita: No, they aren't. they are from italy

3. Alvi: are they chinese?

Fira: Yes. they are. they are chinese

4. Yuda: are you brazilian?

tourist: no, we aren't. we are argentinean

5. Fahri: Are Dito and Dita twins

Sari : Yes, they are. they are twins


bahasa indonesia : semoga ini membantu

bahasa inggris : hope this helps