1.do we have a test tomorow….?

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2.will this hurt….?
3.are our team going to win the final football…?
4.are you capable of salving this test item…?
5.is he going to win the election for the second time….?
6.will she recover….?
7.will he be a rich man some day…..?
8.will he be a success full student…..?
9.will it kill a lot of people….?
10.did tsunami in aceh cause a devastated effects….?

tolong dibantu ya guys caranya seperti dibawah ini!
1.do you want to get maried?

a: do you want to get maried?
b: yes, i do
c: are you sure?
d: i am sure

1.do we have a test tomorow….?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1.do we have a test tomorow? yes, we do. are you sure? yes, i'm sure.
2.will this hurt? yes, it will. are you sure? yes, i'm sure.
3.are our team going to win the final football? yes, they are. are you sure? yes, i'm sure.
4.are you capable of salving this test item? no, i am not. are you sure? yes, i'm not sure.
5.is he going to win the election for the second time? yes, he is. are you sure? yes, i'm sure.