1.does juno accept nova’s suggestion?

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a.no, he doesn't
b.yes, he does
c.yes, but he's not sure
d.of course not
2.which one is the expression of stating purpose?
a.don't draw on the wall
b.les's make a group to do the assignment
c.we have to water the plants in order to grow well
d.congratulations on winning the race
3.rosid:you should take some medicine.
binti:……….i think i just need some rest.
a. i agree with you
b.i don't agree with you
c.let's take the medicine
d.i hope i can take some medicine later
4.andi:the children always throw the trash everywhere.
wahyu:……..(what to do)
what is the correct response for the question?
a.don't burn the trash
b.let the trash like that
c.don't take the trash from the ground
d.take and put the trash into the question​

1.does juno accept nova’s suggestion?


1) b. yes, he does

2) c. we have to water the plants in order to grow well

3) a. I agree with you

4) c. don't take the trash into the question