1. For Picture 1, what is the purpose of the text?

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2. What is special about the item in the picture?
3. What do the readers probably feel when seeing the picture? Why?
4. For Picture 2, what is it about?
5. What is the purpose of the text accompanying the picture?
6. What is the message of the caption?
7. For Picture 3, what are the fish like?
8. What do the two fish imply?
9. What can we learn from the caption?
10. For Picture 4, what is the picture about?
11. Why do you think the text accompanying the picture is important?
12. What predator has the highest speed?​

1. For Picture 1, what is the purpose of the text?

1. For Picture 1, what is the purpose of the text?


1.aku belajar bahwa orang itu akan lupa apa yang kamu katakan,orang akan lupa apa yang kamu lakukan,tapi orang tidak akan melupakan bagaiman kamu membuat merasa happy mungkin? 2. high speed predator 4. bagaimana orang yang mengenal mu mungkin akan melupakan ap yang kau perbuat,katakan tapi mereka akan mengingat atas ap yang membuat mereka bahagia kembali 6.people inspiring 7.kan berenang? mana mungkin ikan bisa ngomong semongkokan aneh jadinya 8.tak tau 9.baca no 1 10.dimana binatang hidup dan bagaimana geografisnya 12.yang warna merah / cheetah karena yang warna merah gk kelihatan kan burem -_-


no 3,5,11 maaf gk dijawab heheh:v