1. (+) Haidar works in a big company in Jogjakarta

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2. (+) Latifa and Nadifa make a bed every morning
3. (+) the boys practice volleyball in the school yard on Mondays.
4. (+)
(-) Bambang doesn't train her brother to play roller skates.
5. (+) …..
(-) …….
(?) Do they often visit their family?​

1. (+) Haidar works in a big company in Jogjakarta


rumus simple present

(+) S + v1 + (s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + not + v1 + O

(?) do/does + S + V1 + O


1. (+) Haidar works in a big company in Jogjakarta

(-)Haidar does not work in a big company in Jogjakarta

(?)does haidar work in a big company in Jogjakarta?

2. (+) Latifa and Nadifa make a bed every morning

(-) Latifa and Nadifa do not make a bed every morning

(?)do Latifa and Nadifa  make a bed every morning?

3. (+) the boys practice volleyball in the school yard on Mondays.

(-)the boys do not practice volleyball in the school yard on Mondays.

(?) do the boys  practice volleyball in the school yard on Mondays?

4. (+) bambang trains her brother to play roller skates.

(-) Bambang doesn't train her brother to play roller skates.

(?) does bambang train her brother to play roller skates?

5. (+) they often visit their family

(-) they do not often visit their family

(?) Do they often visit their family?​