1. Here does the coversation happen?

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2. What are they talking about?
3. What is dave's opinion about medan?
4. What is thea's opinion about medan
5. Do you think dave love medan? Why?
6. How about you?Which city in indonesia do you love most? Why?​

1. Here does the coversation happen?

1. Here does the coversation happen?

1. The conversation happen in school.

2. They are talking about criminal rate and weather in Medan.

3. Dave's opinion about Medan is a city with a hottest weather.

4. Thea's opinion about Medan is a city with higher criminal rate than Bandung but lower than Jakarta.

5. No, he prefer to live in Bandung because the weather is colder than Medan.

6. The city I love the most is … (silahkan diisi sendiri sesuai pendapat) because … (silahkan diisi sendiri sesuai pendapat).