1. Here’s the lady ……………… cat was killed. *

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A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
2. That's the boy ………… I told you about last night. *

A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. when
3. Only …………. people know about this issue, almost no one. *

A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. some
4. Achmad ……….. brother is my close friend is a well-known doctor here. *

A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose
5. The boy …………… broke the window ran away. *

A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D. which
6. Change the following sentence into PASSIVE: "She is going to buy a new pair of trainers." *

A. A new pair of trainers is being bought by her.
B. A new pair of trainers are being bought by her.
C. A new pair of trainers is going to be bought by her.
D. A new pair of trainers are being gone to buy by her.
7. One problem with all languages is ………… they are full of irregularities. *

A. when
B. so
C. that
D. in case
8. My friend ………….. swimming at 09.00 o’clock yesterday morning when I came to his hotel. *

A. was
B. were
C. is
D. has been
9. Change the following passive sentence into ACTIVE: "The Earth's climate will be affected by the volcano." *

A. The volcano affects the Earth’s climate.
B. The volcano affected the Earth’s climate.
C. The volcano is affecting the Earth’s climate.
D. The volcano will affect the Earth’s climate.

1. Here’s the lady ……………… cat was killed. *


1. C. whose

2. B. who

3. A. few

4. D. whose

5. A. who

6. C. A new pair of trainers is going to be bought by her.

7. C. that

8. A. was

9. D. The volcano will affect the Earth’s climate.


Relative pronoun = kata ganti penghubung.

  • Which
    –> menggantikan subject dan object yang berbentuk kata benda selain manusia.
  • Who –> menggantikan subject orang bukan hewan atau lainnya.
  • Whom –> menggantikan objek yang berbentuk orang, bukan hewan atau yang lainnya.
  • Whose –> menggantikan possessive pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan).
  • Where –> menggantikan tempat/lokasi.
  • That –> netral, bisa dipakai untuk menggantikan semua.

Semoga membantu^^