1. I … a student. 2. She … my sister. 3. They … doctors. 4. It …. a cat. 5. Andi and Anto …. in the class. 6. Ima, Rara and I ….. in the traditional market. 7. I ….. tennis. 8. She ….. table tennis. 9. Robi ……….. tennis. 10. Mary and Jody ……. table tennis.

Posted on

1. I … a student. 2. She … my sister. 3. They … doctors. 4. It …. a cat. 5. Andi and Anto …. in the class. 6. Ima, Rara and I ….. in the traditional market. 7. I ….. tennis. 8. She ….. table tennis. 9. Robi ……….. tennis. 10. Mary and Jody ……. table tennis.

1. I am a student

2. She is my sister

3. They are doctors

4. It is a cat

5. Andi and Anto are in the class

6. (Pertanyaan kurang tepat)

7. I playing tennis atau i like tennis

8. She likes table tennis

9. Robi like tennis

10. Mary and Jody playing table tennis

Semoga membantu

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