1. i am my parents’…

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2. of i have a son, he Will be my parents's…
3.my father's sister is my…
4.my father ia my mother's..
5. if i have a male child he Will be my…
6. if i have a female child she Will be my…
8. my uncle's wife is my
9. my aunt's and uncle's children are my..
10. if have a daughter, she Will be my parents'..​

1. i am my parents’…


1. i am my parents' Son/Daughter

2. If i have a son, he Will be my parents's Grandson

3.my father's sister is my Aunt

4.my father is my mother's Husband

5. if i have a male child he Will be my Son

6. if i have a female child she Will be my Daughter

8. my uncle's wife is my Aunt

9. my aunt's and uncle's children are my Cousin

10. if have a daughter, she Will be my pparents Granddaughter

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