1. I…..some delicious foods in this restaurant yesterday *

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4 poin
a. eating
b. eat
c. ate
d. eaten
2. we……in this house three years ago *
4 poin
a. came
b. come
c. coming
d. have came
3. They ……that I am happy *
4 poin
a. says
b. say
c. said
d. saying

1. I…..some delicious foods in this restaurant yesterday *

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi
  1. (C) ate
  2. (A) came
  3. (C) said



↪️ Adalah tenses yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan tentang kejadian pada masa lampau.

Rumus :

(+) subject + verb-2 + object

  • Mr. Jack went to Bandung last month.
  • They watched TV two hours ago.

(-) subject + did + not + verb-1 + object

  • Mr. Jack did not go to Bandung last month.
  • They did not watch TV two hours ago?

(?) Did + subject + verb-1 + object

  • Did Mr. Jack go to Bandung last month?
  • Did they watch TV two hours ago?

Tanda Waktu :



An hour ago



Kalimat di atas termasuk kalimat simple past. Karena tanda waktu yang digunakan adalah "yesterday" atau "three years ago".

Dan karena kalimatnya bentuk positif semua, maka kata kerja yang digunakan harus verb-2.

  • Eat – ate – eaten
  • Come – came – come
  • Say – said – said

Learn more about :

Materi Simple Past


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Past Tenses

Level : JHS

Kode Soal : 8.5

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.9

Kata Kunci : simple past, verbal sentences


1. c. ate

2. a. came

3. b. say

ini jawabannya

maaf ya kalau salah