1. l-in-the-will-meet-you-evening

Posted on

2. we-watch-a-movie-this-will-Friday
3. Patrick-cooking-the-meal-you-reach-will-before-have-been-home
Answer: ………
4. Dona-dessert-will-prepare-the
Answer: …..
5. they-party-at-will-their-arrange-a-home

1. l-in-the-will-meet-you-evening


1.i will meet you in the evening

2.we will watch a movie this friday

3.patrick will have been cooking the meal before you reach home

4.donna will prepare the dessert

5.they will arrange a party at their home


  1. I will meet you in the evening (*Aku akan menemuimu di sore hari)
  2. We will watch a movie this Friday (*Kita akan menonton sebuah film hari Jumat ini)
  3. Patrick will cooking meal before you have been reach the home (*Patrick akan memasak cemilan sebelum kamu sampai rumah)
  4. Dona will prepare the dessert (*Dona akan menyiapkan makanan penutupnya)
  5. They will arrange a party at their home (*Mereka akan menyelenggarakan sebuah pesta di rumah mereka)

Sorry if wrong