1. Make a story about you!!!

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2. Expalin what is suggestion and opinion!!
3. Explain what is invitation and make a example!!
4. Mention the structures of personal letter and EXPLAIN!!
5. Make a example of a personal letter and mark the structural parts !!! (Like example last week)
Semua Jawaban Menggunakan B.inggris

1. Make a story about you!!!


2. Suggestion = a thought or plan put forward for consideration.

eg: "What if you put blue pillows with your black couch, instead of yellow ones?"

Opinion = a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

eg: "In my personal opinion, I think yellow pillows compliment the black couch."

3. invitation = is a request for a person's attendance at an event


lets party join us as we celebrate!

felix's birthday

saturday september 15th

6.30 pm

blueprint hotel

please RSVP felixiano lee


maaf cuman bisa bantu segitu hehehe semangat!

kalo salah maaf yaa 😀