1 )mention some activities from in the morning until in the night on sunday..

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artinya =
kegiatan dari pagi hingga malam

pakai bahasa inggris yh
serta jamNy

2) Do this example!
example :
student 1: when do we celebrate " kartini Day "
student2: it's on twenty first of april

1) National Education Day
2) Indonesia Indenpendence Day

please lh.. esok Loh d kumpul!!!

1 )mention some activities from in the morning until in the night on sunday..

Worship 05:00, bathe07:00, eat 07:30, help the parents 08:00until finish, rest 12:00pm, eat14:00, bathe15:00, dinner19:00, sleep21:00
maaf kalau jawabannya salah

04.30=wake up
04.30-05.00=fajr prayer
05.00-05.30=cleaning the bad room
05.30-05.45=take a bath
06.15-06.30=go to the school
07.00-12.00=study the school
15.00-16.00=bath+watching television
18.00-18.30=pray maghrib
18.30-19.30=dimmer with family
19.30-20.00=pray isya
20.00-21.00=watcing television+study
21.00=sleep inthe night