1.) my father always _____ a car to the office

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a. Drive c. drove
b. drives d. is driving

2.) he doesn't _____ to school today.
a. go c. going
b. goes d. gone

3.) Indonesia ______ three different zones of time
a. has c. don't have
b. have d. doesn't have

4.) which statement is a habitual action?
a. magnets attract iron
b. the sun rises on the east
c. water boils at 100 degrees celsius
d. yudi goes to the office by train everyday

5.) the baby _____ all night. I can't sleep.
a. cry c. is. crying
b. cries d. are crying

6.) magnets _____ the iron.
a. attract
b. attracts
c. attracting
d. attracted

7.) my family and I _____ breakfast at 6 AM.
a. has c. have
b. had d. are having

8.) I _____ always _____ to the dentist.
a. don't – go
b. doesn't – go
c. don't – went
d. doesn't – went

10.) salman always ______ praying on time.
a. do c. does
b. did d. is doing

11.) a year _____ twelve months.
a. has
b. have
c. doesn't has
d. doesn't have

12.) Rudi _____ comes late to the office. He gets an award from his boss
a. never
b. always
c. usually
d. seldom

13.) he _____ me chocolate for valentine.
a. give c. gives
b. gave d. is giving

14.) the sun ______ in the east.
a. set c. rise
b. sets d. rises

15.) crocodiles ______ Sharp teeth.
a. has c. don't have
b. have d. doesn't have

16.) Sandra Dewi ______ beautiful long dark hairs.
a. has c. have
b. had d. is having

17.) a cheetah ______ faster than a lion.
a. run c. don't run
b. runs d. doesn't run

18.) she ______ she Will come for sleep-over tonight.
a. say c. said
b. says d. is saying

20.) all moslems _______ five times a day.
a. pray c. prayed
b. prays d. are praying

21.) rini and her sister always ______ English at home.
a. practice
b. practices
c. practices
d. are practicing

22.) Q: ______ you always respect your parents?
A: yes, I ______.
a. do – do
b. are – am
c. are – do
d. does – does

23.) my brother ______ his motorcycle to school.
a. ride c. rides
b. rode d. is riding

please kak bantuin soalnya hari ini harus di kumpul

jangan ngasal ya
kalo di jawab aku follow​

1.) my father always _____ a car to the office

1: B

2: A

3: A

4: D

5: C

6: B

7: C

8: A

(Soal 9 mana)

10: A

11: A

12: A

13: B

14: D

15: B

16: A

17: B

18: B

(Soal 19 not found)

20: A

21:  A

22: A

23: C

maap kalo salah


1. B

2. A

3. A

5. B

6. A

cm tau dikit, gosa di pollo