1. participant : based on the survey, do you think jakarta’s crime rate will increase?

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speaker : ……….. It's rate tends to be serious, but in reality, it is still safe to walk at night in the city.
a. Yes, the survey might say so
b. No, it may not be influenced
c. Yes, it will increase the price
d. No, jakarta is not crowded

2. stranger: Can you help me lift this suitcase?
Iwan : …….. I am doing some work.
a. sure, I can
b. I will
c. I'm sorry I can't
d. Be my guest

3. customer: excuse me, waiter. I found the soup disgusting. There's a mosquito in it.
waiter : I'm sorry, madam ……….. and it's free.
a. we will change it with the new one
b. we will buy a bowl of soup
c. you still have to pay for it
d. you have to eat them all
customer: be careful next time.

1. participant : based on the survey, do you think jakarta’s crime rate will increase?

1. A
2. C
3. A
maaf kalau salah.. jawabannya menggunakan alpahabetnya saja, makasih

1. A
2. C
3. A 

semoga membantu