1. Rumus simple past tense

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+ : ….
– : ……
? : …….

2. Buatlah masing2 2buah kalimat positif , negative , and introgative dalam bentuk past tense
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1. Rumus simple past tense

1) += Subject +Verb2 + Object + Adverb

-=Subject+didn't+ V1+Object+Adverb

?=Did + Subject+ V1 +Object +Adverb

2) += I bought some fish at the market yesterday.

– = I did not/didn't buy some fish at the market yesterday

?= Did you buy some fish at the market yesterday?

(+) the teacher came

(-) the teacher didn't come

(?) did the teacher come ?


(+) i was a stamp collector

(-) i wasn't a stamp collector

(?) was i a stamp collector

contoh past tense
rumusnya adalah
positif:s+ verb 2 (past tense)
positif:s+be ( was/were )
negatif : s+ did+ not + bare infinitive
negatif : s+ be ( was/were )+ not
interogatif: did+ s+bare infinitive
interogatif : be ( was/were ) +s
semoga bermanfaat
good luck for you 🙂
enjoy 🙂