2.ayah ku akan menjual sepeda motor nya, jika kami pindah ke paris
3.jika kamu memilih saya sebagai seorang pemimpin, kamu akan bekerja bersamaku
Ubahlah ke bahasa inggris menjadi v1, v2, v3
1.saya akan tidur nyenyak jika kami menemaniku
1. v1: I will sleep well if you accompany me
v2: I would sleep well if you accompanied me
v3: i would have slept if you had accompanied me
2. v1: my father will sell his motorcycle, if we move to paris
v2: my father would sell his motorcycle, if we moved to paris
v3: my father would have sold his motorcycle, if we had moved to paris
3. v1: if you choose me as a leader, you will work together with me
v2: if you chose me as a leader, you would work together with me
v3: if you had chosen me as a leader, you would have worked together with me