1. Soni : Hi Rudi. Where are you going? Rudi : I am going to the …. I will I will go to Bali by ship

Posted on

a. seaport
b. airport
c. train station
d. busway station
2. Jihan goes to the train station. She will go to Jakarta by
a. bus
b. plane
c. train
d. helicopter
3. The fastest vehicle transportation is ….
a. train
b. bicycle
c. truck
d. motorcycle
4. There are many passengers get the bus at the ….
a. bus station
b. airport
c. station
d. harbor ​

1. Soni : Hi Rudi. Where are you going? Rudi : I am going to the …. I will I will go to Bali by ship







Soal No

1.Menggunakan perahu berarti di Seaport

2.Kan ke Trainstation,Berarti naik Train=Kereta

3.Kendaraan tercepat y kereta,tanpa macet pula 🙂 Train

4.Kita akan mendapatkan bus di?=

Bus Station

Semoga Membantu:)


1. b.airport

2. c.train

3. a.train

4. a.bus station