1. Teacher :”…. So when Timun Mas went out of

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her house, the Giant followed and
tries to catch her. Timun Mas ran
away. She then remembered that
her mom gave her some things.
Students : "Wow! What happens next?
Based on the dialogue above, the response of
the students shows that ….
a. the students are paying attention
b. the students are giving praising
c. the students are lack of understanding
d. the students are confused with the

2. Teacher: "The first step of metamorphosis is
beginning by the ….
(Seeing the students are not paying
Student : "OK. Sir."
The most appropriate expression to complete
the dialogue is ….
a. Please attention pay!
b. Please pay attention!
C. Do you know what I am saying?
d. Please explain the steps of metamorphosis

3. Teacher: "So class, all you have to do to solve
this problem is dividing 10 by 5. Do
you get my point?
Student : "Yes, I understand, Sir."
What does the underlined word express?
a. Asking for attention.
b. Asking question.
C. Checking for understanding.
d. Giving praising.

4. Mrs. Patricia : "Nikita, are you with me so
Mrs. Patricia : "Don't be noisy, then."
: "I'm very sorry, Mom."
What is the best response for the dialogue
a. I'm sorry I forgot to bring my homework.
b. I know what you mean.
c. I'm not sure I get your point, Mom.
d. I'm not sure the answer.
Bahasa Inggris Kelas IT Supa

1. Teacher :”…. So when Timun Mas went out of

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A

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