1. The / Letters / Bring / The / Postman / . /

Posted on

2.The / Visit / Their / Children / GrandParents /. /

3.Drive / To / He / A / Want / Car / ? /

4.The / Find / You / Solution / ? /

5.My / Present / Give / Give / Friend / A / Me / . /

Buat Lah Menjadj Kalimat Past Tense V2
Plissss Jawab Ya Nnti Aku Follow Pliss​

1. The / Letters / Bring / The / Postman / . /


1. The postman bought the letters.

2. The children visited their grandparents.

3. Did he want to drive a car?

4. Did you find the solution?

5. Me gave my friend a give present.


Correct me if I wrong. I still learn English. And I'm so sorry, nomor 3 dan 4 kurang mudeng hehe.