1. The name of the product is…

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2. from the label we know that the product contains…sodium
3. From the label we know instant noodle soup does not contains….
4. The flavour of the product is….
5. The prouct contain…of calories
6.The kind of the product is…..
7. The purpose of writing the text is….

pliss tolong jawab besuk dikumpulin​

1. The name of the product is...

1. The name of the product is…


1. Instant Noodle Soup Vegetable Flavour

2. 1.500 mg (62%)

3. Cholestrol, Vitamin A, Calcium, Vitamin C

4. Vegetable Flavour

5. 320 calories

6. Instant Noodle

7. To give information about the content of the product


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