1. The tall woman stepped gingerly across the puddle.

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a. tall b. woman c. gingerly d. puddle
2. The dentist sat next to the patient in what looked like
a barber’s chair. a. patient b. sat c. chair d. dentist
3. He said she looked like she had been up all night.
a. she b. looked c. he d. night
4. Puppies will chew anything: old shoes, dirty socks, glossy magazines.
a. puppies b. will chew c. shoes d. socks
5. The doctor was wearing sneakers and pale green surgical scrubs.
a. sneakers b. doctor c. pale green d. surgical scrubs
6. During my sister’s graduation, we all sat outside in the miserable heat.
a. sister b. graduation c. we d. heat
7. On my birthday, my boss and co-workers made a point of being nice.
a. birthday b. my c. boss, co-workers d. nice
8. The laces on these shoes never stay tied.
a. laces b. shoes c. never d. tied
9. The temptation is to treat puppies as though they know when they are bad.
a. puppies b. bad c. temptation d. they
10. During the civil war, women disguised themselves as men and went to battle. a. civil b. war c. women d. battle

1. The tall woman stepped gingerly across the puddle.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Dalam sebuah kalimat, verb atau kata kerja harus selalu bergandengan dengan pasangannya yaitu subjek. Ketika verb atau kata kerja berperan sebagai aksi atau tindakan, maka subject adalah orang atau benda yang melakukannya.


Identify the subject in the following sentences:

1. The tall woman stepped gingerly across the puddle.  

a. tall b. woman c. gingerly d. puddle  

Jawabannya adalah woman.

2. The dentist sat next to the patient in what looked like  

a barber’s chair.

a. patient b. sat c. chair d. dentist

Jawabannya adalah  dentist.

3. He said she looked like she had been up all night.

a. she b. looked c. he d. night  

Jawabannya adalah He

4. Puppies will chew anything: old shoes, dirty socks, glossy magazines.  

a. puppies b. will chew c. shoes d. socks

Jawabannya adalah Puppies.  

5. The doctor was wearing sneakers and pale green surgical scrubs.

a. sneakers b. doctor c. pale green d. surgical scrubs

Jawabannya adalah: Doctor  

6. During my sister’s graduation, we all sat outside in the miserable heat.  

a. sister b. graduation c. we d. heat

Jawabannya adalah Sister  

7. On my birthday, my boss and co-workers made a point of being nice.  

a. birthday b. my c. boss, co-workers d. nice

Jawabannya adalah Boss  and Co-worker

8. The laces on these shoes never stay tied.  

a. laces b. shoes c. never d. tied

Jawabannya adalah Laces  

9. The temptation is to treat puppies as though they know when they are bad.  

a. puppies b. bad c. temptation d. they

Jawabannya adalah Temptation  

10. During the civil war, women disguised themselves as men and went to battle.

a. civil b. war c. women d. battle

Jawabannya adalah Women


Pelajari Lebih Lanjut:

  1. Subject brainly.co.id/tugas/16227353
  2. Subject brainly.co.id/tugas/9316315


Detil Jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: B. Inggris

Kategori: Subject

Kode: 7.5.1

Kata Kunci: Subject