1.(+) they . . . here lash night

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(-) . . .
(?) . . .
2.(+) i . . . a doctor two years ago
(-) . . .
(?) . . .
3.(+) you . . . sick yesterday
(-) . . .
(?) . . .
4.(+) she . . . student of wirahusada Medan
(-) . . .
(?) . . .
5.(+) it . . . good job
(-) . . .
(?) . . .

1.(+) they . . . here lash night


1.(+) they were here lash night

(-) They were not here lash night.

(?) Were they here lash night?

2.(+) I  was a doctor two years ago.

(-) I was not a doctor two years ago.

(?) Was I a doctor two years ago?

3.(+) you were sick yesterday.

(-) You were not sick yesterday.

(?) Were you sick yesterday?

4.(+) she is student of wirahusada Medan.

(-) she is not a student of wirahusada Medan.

(?) Is she a student of wirahusada Medan?

5.(+) it is good job

(-) It is not a good job.

(?) Is it a good job?


Pelajarilah jawabannya,….


1.(+) they (were) here last night

(-) they weren't here last night

(?) Were they here last night?

2.(+) i was a doctor two years ago

(-) I wasn't a doctor two years ago

(?) Was I a doctor two years ago?

3.(+) you (were) sick yesterday

(-) you weren't sick yesterday

(?) Were you sick yesterday?

4.(+) she is a student of wirahusada Medan

(-) she isn't a student of wirahusada Medan

(?) is she a student of wirahusada Medan?

5.(+) it is a good job

(-) it isn't a good job

(?) is it a good job?


1 dan 2 merupakan kalimat simple present tense. Simple past tense adalah bentuk tense yang menyatakan suatu tindakan yang selesai dilakukan pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Dalam simple past tense, keterangan waktu biasanya disebut atau dituliskan secara spesifik (contoh: yesterday, two days ago, last week, dsb)

-Untuk kata kerja be (was/were):

•Gunakan was untuk subject I, he, she dan it.

•Gunakan were untuk subject you, we, dan they.