1.Tia Yudi : It’s break time …. a cup of coffee?

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Yudi : That would be very nice of you
A. Should i have
B. May i offer help to get
C. May you get me
D. Would you like me to get you going

2.Alex : Where is he now ? I only wish I knew
Nia : Let me just tell you that he lives in a big castle

What does Nia do ?
A. Alex wishes he knew where is he now
B. Nia tells alex that he lives in a big castle
C. Nia wishes that alex knew he lives in abig castle
D. Nia tells Alex if she lives in a big castle

3.Which is not the expression of suggestion ? A. Why don't you … ?
B. I'd like to suggest that …
C. Would you mind …… ?
D. It's sounds like a good suggestion​

1.Tia Yudi : It’s break time …. a cup of coffee?


1. A. Should i have

2. B. Nia tells Alex that he lives in a big castle

3. A. Why don't you… ?


semoga membantu, and sorry if im wrong.