1. Used to + Verb: Write used to or use to + verb.

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1. (cook) Before stoves, what did people
2. (have) Lily –
two rabbits. Now she has seven!
3. (ride) People didn't
in cars. Now they do.
4. (write) Students didn't
in notebooks. They had slates.
5. (sleep) 1
in my sister's bedroom. Now I have a bedroom.
6. (like) George
folk music. Now he likes hip-hop.
7. (read) Before electricity, how did people
8. (make) People
toothpaste with stone and vinegar.
Lesson 6 Grammar Handbook Practice​

1. Used to + Verb: Write used to or use to + verb.


1. Before stoves, what did people use to cook on?

2. Lily used to have two rabbits. Now she has seven!

3. People didn't  use to ride in cars. Now they do.

4. Students didn't  use to write in notebooks. They had slates.

5. I used to sleep in my sister's bedroom. Now I have a bedroom.

6. George  used to like folk music. Now he likes hip-hop.

7. Before electricity, how did people  use to read?

8. People  used to make toothpaste with stone and vinegar.


Used to –> bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan kebiasaan di masa lampau yang sekarang sudah tidak dilakukan.

Untuk positive form gunakan:

  • …used to + v1…
  • Misal: My mother used to have long hair.

Untuk negative form gunakan:

  • did not + use to + v1…
  • Misal: My mother didn't use to have long hair.

Untuk interrogative form gunakan:

  • did + use to + v1…?
  • Misal: Did your mother use to have long hair?
  • How did you use to go to school?

Semoga membantu^^