1) Weni: To stay healthy,

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everybody should eat nutritious food. Resa: I agree your point but we should also have enough rest. From the dialog above, we know that….

a. Weni asks Resa to eat healthy food

b. Resa support Weni's idea

c. Resa rejects Weni's idea

d. Weni asks Resa to have enough rest

2) Anto: What's your comment on football match last night. Badru: I believe the team had tried their best. The underlined utterance ("I believe the
team…") is…

a. Asking opinion

b. Giving opinin

c. Denying

d. Refusing

3) Please join us In celebrating the 5 poin graduation of :Yuniar ajir,

M.Ed. Sunday, Desember 30th, 2017 At 7 p.m. Abdul Wahid avenue 56 Bondowoso. Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo Please RSVP by Desember 28th, 2017 Desi – 0857399997891 Which statement is true based on the text?

a. Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo held this party for themselves

b. Yuniar Bestiana has just finished her postgraduate study

c. People should call desi to see Yuniar bestiana

d. This party will be held for Desi

4. The occasion will be held…

a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the evening

d. At midnight

5) Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring invite you to share the joy of the marriage uniting their daughter Alice Sembiring to Jeffry Sitorus Friday, the thirthteenth of December two thousand and seventeen At three o'clock in the afternoon Gajah Wong Restaurant JI. Affandi Yogyakarta The purpose of the text is to invite you…..

a. To attend Mr and mrs Sembiring's marriage

b. To unite Alice and Jeffry in wedding party

c. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party

d. To marry with Mr and mrs Sembiring​

1) Weni: To stay healthy,


1. B

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. C



Semoga membantu~


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C

Maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu:)