1.what does she eat for breakfats?

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2.what does she drink for breakfast?
3.what does she do after breakfats?
4.how many times a day does she brush her teeth?
5.what time does school start?
6.what time does it finish?
7.where does sophie usualy have lunch?
8.what does sophie do when she returns home?

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1.what does she eat for breakfats?


1. She eats breakfast with fried rice.

2. She drinks milk for breakfast.

3. After finishing breakfast, then she went to school.

4. She brushes bis teeth three Times a day.

5. Ussually school starts at 08.00 a.m

6. School finishes at 13.00 p.m

7. Sophie ussually has lunch at home.

8. Normally what Sophie did when return home, changed her school clothes, then had lunch, then did her homework.