1. What … he prepare for the interview? He researched a lot about the company.

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2. When … they join to the marketing team? They will come next week.
3. … the company been led by Mr. Jhon? It has been a few months.
4. ….. your skill? My skills are operating many computers software and designing
the product.
5. Where … you work? I think, I will be placed in Karawang.

1. What … he prepare for the interview? He researched a lot about the company.


1. What did he prepare for the interview? He researched a lot about the company.

2. When will they join to the marketing team? They will come next week.

3. Has the company been led by Mr. Jhon? It has been a few months.

4. What's your skill? My skills are operating many computers software and designing the product.

5. Where will/do you work? I think, I will be placed in Karawang.