1.what ia text about?

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2.what does Mr.Deddy teach?
3.what is the school yard for?
4.where do the student play volley ball?
5.why is the library good?
6.how many laboratories does the school have?
7.what subjects are the laboratories for?
8.where do the student do their prayers?
9.is Mr.Deddy proud of his school?
10.what does he always ask the student to do?​

1.what ia text about?

1.what ia text about?


1. about Mr. Deddy's school

2. He Teach English

3. For the school ceremony

4. School ceremony

5. Because It has many interesting books

6. There are three laboratory rooms

7. Biology, physics, and computer

8. Prayer room

9. Yes, he is proud

10. for to keep it clean