1. what is the story about?

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a. two different, but special plants
b. a beautiful rose and ugly cactus
c. a beautiful, but arrogant rose
d. two plants in a beautiful garden

2. the rose ignored other plant's advice to change its attitude because…
a. it belived it was the prettiest
b. it didn't trust other plants
c. it could change others to do so
d. it though that it was right

3. from the story, we know that the cactus was..
a. brave
b. wise
c. humble
d. patient

4. what can you learn from the story?
a. don't let anyone under estimate you because of your looks
b. respect others and they may respect you either
c. don't allow others influence your life
d. never judges the others by the way they look.

jawab dengan benar pakai alasannya yang tidak bisa jawab harap jangan menjawab terima kasih!​

1. what is the story about?

1. what is the story about?

1. C, karena tokoh utamanya adalah mawar jadi judul mencakup nama tokoh dan karakteristiknya.

2. A, karena sudah dijelaskan dari awal tokoh mawar yang terlalu arogan dan sombong.

3. D, sabar karena meskipun dia diejek namun dia tidak membalas dengan keburukan malah membalas dengan kebaikan.

4. Antara b dan d karena ceritanya mengajarkan untuk berbuat baik tanpa memandang fisik