1.Which one is refer to the sentences if clause as a reminder : If you want a good price, why don’t you go the factory outlet. If you don’t put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder. If I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.

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1.Which one is refer to the sentences if clause as a reminder : If you want a good price, why don’t you go the factory outlet. If you don’t put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder. If I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.

1. Which one is refer to the sentences if clause as a reminder :

If you want a good price, why don't you go the factory outlet. If you don't put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder. If I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people.

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