1. Write a dialogue of the following situation

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A : you want to go to a music concert you ask several friends to go with you one of your friend can't join because we doesn't have money offer to treat him

B : a friend ia absent because she ia sick you visit her this afternoon your friend need your help to communicate with the teacher about an assignment chat hasby finished yet offer a help

1. Write a dialogue of the following situation

A: Hey, man, do you want to join us to the concert this weekend? I heard that the band has prepared a special performance this time!
B: Ah, sorry dude, but I can’t go. Currently, I don’t have money to go.
A: Aw,man.. If only I had enough miney to treat you….
B: No worries, just bring me photos of the concert, ok?
A: Ok, I will.

A: Hey, B, I heard you were sick today. Mind if I visit you this afternoon? Ms. Besi gave us assignments to do.
B: Yeah, sure, you can come this afternoon. Be sure to bring your mask.
A: Ok.
(Later that afternoon)
A: Hey, B
B: Oh, hey A.
A: Jeez, you seem very tired. Make sure you get plenty of rest. By the way, Ms. Besi told us to do LKS page 14 Activity 12-14.
B: Thank you. But, it seems like I will still be sick tomorrow. Can you excuse me?
A: Sure.
B: Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome. Get well soon!