1. You need to drink a lot of water so that … * 10 poin

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a. You will not get hungry
b. You will not get upset
c.You will not get dehydrated
d.You will not get angry

2. We should eat breakfast in order to … * 10 poin
a. Get energy
b. Be lazy
c. Get happiness
d.Avid thirst

3. Everybody needs to drink clean pure water in so that … * 10 poin
a. He will be strong
b. He will not get stomachache
c. She will not get sore eye
d. She will not get toothache

4. We should not eat rujak too much because it can make us .. * 10 poin
a. Earache
b. Sore throat
c. Fever
d. Diarea

5. Before doing exercise or sport, we should do warm up so that we will not get … * 10 poin
a. Muscle injury
b. Broken bone
c. Tired
d. Sad

6. We should keep our home and school clean in order to we will be … * 10 poin a.Happy
b. Healthy
c. Horrible
d. Hygienic

7. We should sweep the yard in order .. * 10 poin
a.  To be beautiful T
b. o get clean environment
c. To be diligent
d. To get much money

8. To get rid of dirt we should … the floor. * 10 poin
a. Paint Ignore
b. Colour
d. Mop

9. X : What do we have to wash our bath tub regularly for? Y : so that there are no … in our house. * 10 poin
a. Frogs
b. Mosquitoes
c. Mice
d. Ants

10. A : What for should we not eat much instant food? B : In order not to get … * 10 poin
a. Serious diseases
b. Fat
c. Bored
d. Healthy body

tolong di jawab sial nya mao di kumpul plis
Jawabn No ngasal, klo ngasal lapor.
Gede loh poin nya:)​

1. You need to drink a lot of water so that … * 10 poin


1. C         6. D

2. A        7. B

3. B        8.  D

4.  B       9.  B

5. A        10.  B


semoga benar yaa, semangat belajarnya!