Rania: It live in a bushes and small trees that grow white and pink flowers
2. Zara: ?
Rania: It climbs it
3. Zara: ?
Rania: It lays to wait for it's prey
4. Zara: ?
Rania: It changed its color between pink and brown according to the background
5. Zara: ?
Rania: It eats small creatures, except venomous insect and likes to nibble on a banana
1. Zara: ?
1. Where does the Orchid Mantis live?
2. What does the Orchid Mantis do to wait for its pray?
3. What does the Orchid Mantis do after climbing a plant?
4. How does the Orchid Mantis make itself look like a flower?
5. What does the Orchid Mantis eat?
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