10 contoh conditional sentence type 3

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10 contoh conditional sentence type 3

If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)


but you didn’t remember
(tapi kamu tidak ingat)

If I had given the interviewer really good answers, I might have got a higher position than you.
(Jika saya memberi jawaban yang benar-benar bagus ke pewawancara, saya mungkin memdapatkan posisi yang lebih tinggi dari kamu.)


but I didn’t give really good answers
(tapi saya tidak memberikan jawaban yang benar-benar bagus)


If the waitress had been careful, she wouldn’t have broken many plates.
(Jika pelayan tersebut hati-hati, dia tidak akan memecahkan banyak piring.)


but the waitress wasn’t careful
(tapi pelayan tersebut tidak hati-hati)

If he had asked you for forgiveness, would you have forgiven him?
(Jika dia meminta maaf kepadamu, akankah kamu memaafkannya?)


but he didn’t ask you for forgiveness
(tapi dia tidak meminta maaf)


If John had driven his car carefully, we would not have got an accident.
(Jika John menyetir dengan hati-hati, dia tidak akan kecelakaan).

My father would have been here, if the flight had not been canceled.
(Ibuku akan ada di sini jika penerbangannya tidak ditunda).

Linda would not have arrived at home, if the my father had not picked her up.
(Linda tidak akan tiba di rumah jika ayahku tidak menjemputnya).

If I had known that Angie was your girl friend, I would not have touch her.
(Jika dulu aku tahu bahwa Angie adalah pacarmu, aku tidak akan mendekatinya).

If you had told me that you went to Bali last week, I would have picked you up at the airport.
(Jika aku tahu bahwa kamu pergi ke Bali minggu lalu, aku akan menjemputmu di airport).

I would not have bought a new TV if I had known that the old one was still ok.
(Aku tidak akan membeli TV baru jika aku tahu bahwa yang lama masih ok).

If Real Madrid had had a good striker, they would not have lost the game.
(Jika Real Madri mempunyai striker yang bagus, mereka tidak akan kalah).