10 contoh offering help and refusing help

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10 contoh offering help and refusing help

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10 contoh offering help and refusing help


Offering help artinya menawarkan suatu bantuan kepada orang lain. Offering help digunakan saat kita akan menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain. Refusing help artinya menolak bantuan dengan halus. Refusing help digunakan saat kita menolak tawaran bantuan orang lain dengan halus karena kita bisa mengatasinya sendiri.

Offering Help

Offering help artinya pemberian tawaran bantuan pada orang lain. Contoh kalimatnya yaitu :

– Can I help you ?

– Do you need help ?

– May I help you ?

– Do you need a hand ?

– Do you need something ?

– Do you need anything ?

– Can I get you something ?

– Would you like …..?

Contoh dialog :

Doni : Hi, Nina. Your face looks so pale. What’s wrong with you?

Nina : Hi Doni. Yes, I think I got a stomachache. My stomach hurts so bad. I have not had breakfast yet.

Doni : Oh, poor you Nina. I think we should have breakfast before we go to school.

Nina : I was not so hungry last morning. So that’s way, I didn’t have breakfast. Maybe that’s my fault Doni.

Doni : Hmm. Yeah, that’s okay for now. But next time, please remember to have breakfast Nina. .

Nina : Alright Doni.

Doni : Can I do something for you?

Nina : I need to get some medicine, but my stomach still hurts. Can you get some for me?  

Doni : Okay Tony. I will get some for you in medical room and I will also buy some food for you.

Nina : Thank you so much Doni. I can’t say a word. Thanks for your help.  

Doni : You’re welcome Nina.

Refusing help

Refusing help artinya menolak tawaran bantuan dengan halus. Contoh kalimatnya :

– No, you don't need to

– Don't bother yourself, thanks

– No, thank you

– That's very kind. But I can do it myself

– No, I don't think it's necessary

– No, I can do it myself

– Don't worry, I can manage myself

– Thanks, but I prefer not to bother you

– Thank you, but I don't need your help

– Thanks, but now I don't need your help

Contoh dialog :

Sani : Hi, Sera.

Sera : Hi, Sani.

Sani : Sera, I want to invite you to go on picnic this weekend, can you join?

Sera : Sounds great. Actually I want to go. But, sorry Sani, I have promised my friend to go to the mall.

Sani : Oh, that’s okay, Sera.

Sera : Have a nice picnic!

Sani : Thanks Sera!

Sera : Anytime!

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut :

1. Definisi offering dan refusing help : brainly.co.id/tugas/2725521

2. Contoh kalimat : brainly.co.id/tugas/401594

3. Contoh dialog : brainly.co.id/tugas/2935323

Detil Jawaban

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII

Bab : 1

Materi : Expressions

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.1

Kata Kunci : Offering help and refusing help, Accepting help
