10. Why did people want to volunteer themself to be Romusha?

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A. They were promised to receive good fo and wages by the Japanese.
B. It was a mandatory from their king an sultanate.
C. They were asked by their family and colleagues to join.
D. They wanted to develop the country wi the help of the Japanese.
E. They would live in prosperity by joinine the Romusha.

11. What can you conclude from paragraph 4?

A. Many Romusha died because of serious illness.
B. There was endemic that caused manv Jaborers to die.
C. Many Romusha died due to a rebellion There was imbalance treatment between D. the local laborers and allied prisoners.
E. Romusha laborers faced a famine because of the long drought.

12. How did the Romusha build the railway jin Pekanbaru?

A. They used modern tools.
B. They used simple and traditional tools.
C. The Japanese provided tools from their country.
D. They were assisted by the prisoners of war.
E. They were bare-handed when digging holes.

13. "When liberation of the allied prisoners began at the end of the war, little was done to ensure the wellbeing of the Romusha who were left." (Paragraph 6)

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A. Health
B. Finance
C. Goodness
D. Condition
E. Prosperity

10. Why did people want to volunteer themself to be Romusha?

10. Why did people want to volunteer themself to be Romusha?

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10. Why did people want to volunteer themself to be Romusha?

A. They were promised to receive good food and wages by the Japanese

11. What can you conclude from paragraph 4?

A. Many Romusha died because of serious illness.

12. How did the Romusha build the railway jin Pekanbaru?

B. They used simple and traditional tools.

13. "When liberation of the allied prisoners began at the end of the war, little was done to ensure the wellbeing of the Romusha who were left." (Paragraph 6)What is the meaning of the underlined word?

E. Prosperity



10. Kenapa orang- orang sukarela ingin menjadi romusa?

a. Karena mereka dijanjikan memperoleh makanan dan upah yang baik oleh Jepang.

11. Apa yang bisa kamu simpulkan dari paragraf 4 ?

a. Banyak tenaga romusa yang mati karena terserang penyakit parah.

12. Bagaimana cara romusa membangun rel kereta api di Pekanbaru ?

b. Mereka menggunakan peralatan sederhana dan tradisional.

13. Saat pembebasan tahanan sekutu dimulai di akhir perang, tidak banyak yang dilakukan untuk kesejahteraan tenaga romusa yang masih hidup. Arti wellbeing adalah

e. kesejahteraan

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