11. From the dialogue above, the bicycle belongs to….

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A. Jimmy's Father B. Sonny's Father
C. Jimmy
D. Sonny
12. “…. Alright, I will finish it". The underlined word refers to….
A. Jimmy's compliment
C. Jimmy's bicycle
B. Sonny's compliment
D. Sonny's bicycle
The following dialogue is for questions number 13 to 16.
Dina : "Hi Agus, How are you?”
Agus : “I am fine. What are you doing here?”
Dina : "I will buy chicken met at the meat"
Agus : “Chicken meat?”
Dina : “Yes, My mother and I will cook “Chicken sate” for my 13 th birthday party."
Agus : “Oh, I almost forget. I am sure your chicken sate is delicious. Tomorrow is your
birthday isn't it?”
Dina : “Yes, It is. Will you come to my birthday party?"
Agus : “Of course, I will come with my brother"
Dina : "Thanks you very much. You are my best friend, See you"
Agus "See you"
13. The dialogue is talking about the planning of Dina for ….
A. cooking fried chicken
C. going to birthday party
B. buying chicken sate
D. cooking chicken sate
14. Dina will celebrate her … birthday
A. Thirty
B. Thirteenth
C. Thirteen
D. Thirtieth
15. Who will company Agus for attending the party?
A. His Brother
C. His mother
B. His best Friend
D. Dina
D. No, He won't
16. Will Agus help Dina and her mother to cook “chicken sate”?
A. Yes, She will B. No, She won't C. Yes, He will
For questions number 17 to 18, choose the suitable words to complete the text beloy
17. Heri : "It's 08.00. You are late to school. You … go now!"
Toni : "Alright, bye."
A, shall
B. should
C. can
D. will​

11. From the dialogue above, the bicycle belongs to….



maaf salah semua, nyari poin:v








no 11 dan 12 ga ada dialognya

maaf kalo salah