11. She is . . . to wear my new bag next Sunday. *

Posted on

a. Will

b. Will be

c. Go

d. Going

12. He . . . to visit his friend tonight *

a. am going

b. is going

c. is go

d. are going

13. Buat kalimat " mereka akan pergi ke perpustakaan senin depan" *

a. They are going to library next Monday.

b. They are will going to library nex Monday.

c. They are will go to library next Monday.

d. They are go to library next Monday.

14. Buat kalimat "Doni akan pergi ke masjid sore ini" *

a. Doni is go to mosque this evening.

b. Doni going to mosque this evening.c.

c. Doni go to mosque this evening.

d. Doni is going to mosque this evening

15. What will you do next week, Amirah? *

a. Amirah will make a cupcake yesterday.

b. Amirah will make a cupcake last night.

c. Amirah will make a cupcake next week

d. Amirah will make a cupcake last week.

16. What will you do tonight, Lolly? *
a. Lolly will study English tonight.
b. Lolly is study English tonight.
c. Lolly are study English tonight.
d. Lolly is go to study English tonight.

17. When will mother make a fried chicken? *

a. She will make a fried chicken yesterday.

b. She will make a fried chicken last day.

c. She will make a fried chicken this afternoon.

d. She will make a fried chicken two days ago.

18. When will Siti make omelette? *

a. Siti will make omelette tomorrow.

b. Siti will make omelette last night.

c. Siti will make omelette yesterday

d. Siti will make omelette last moon

19. Anita and Alika . . . practice dancing ondel-ondel tonight. *

a. Will going to

b. is going to

c. are going to

d. am going to

20. What are Indra and Fahmi going to do this morning? *

a. They will going to make a kite

b. They will make to make a kite

c. They are going to make a kite

d. They go to make a kite

NO ngasal

yg pinter b.Inggris plissss jawab secepatnya ಥ‿ಥ​

11. She is . . . to wear my new bag next Sunday. *


11. d. Going

12. b. is going

13. a. They are going to  the library next Monday

14. d. Doni is going to the mosque this evening

15. c. Amirah will make a cupcake next week

16. a. Lolly will study English tonight.

17. c. She will make a fried chicken this afternoon.

18. a. Siti will make omelette tomorrow.

19. c. are going to

20. c. They are going to make a kite


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