15. The two cousins … at the airport for the first time

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A. met
B. welcomed
C. saw
D. talked
16. Yoni : By the way, where did you
spend your last holiday?
A I visited a famous tour object in my
B. I cleaned the things in my bedroom
C. I helped my father washes the car.
D. I plant some flowers in the ierace.
17. Mirna : Did you join English speech two days ago?
Monica : Sure,…………..
My Mom gave me a present
A. No, I did not
B. Yes, I did
C. Yes, I was
D. No, I was not
18. Marry : Hi,Tony. Why ………you
……..us yesterday?
Tony : Sorry, I was so busy
A. don't-meet
B. wasn't – join
C. didn't – visit
D. weren't – saw
tolong jawab pliss:)​

15. The two cousins … at the airport for the first time


15. A.Met (mereka bertemu untuk pertama kalinya)

16. A (dia berkunjung ke tempat tour yang terkenal)

17. B. Yes i did

18. C. Didn't – visit karena itu lampau *diperjelas oleh "Yesterday"


15. a. met

16. a. i visited a famous tour object in my towi

17. b. yes, i did

18. c. didn't – visit



15. bertemu (v2)

16. mengunjungi tur dll

17. iya, saya

18. tidak – mengunjungi

semoga membantu ya! 🙂