16. Deva Look! The clown … the children,

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Devi: Unfortunately, my little brother is not here
A. are amusing
B. is amusing
C. amusing
D. amuses

The following is for question 17-20.

Pak Tomi Javanese Fried Noodle
Visit Pak Tomi's restaurant to get the best Javanese Fried Noodle.
The recipe was originated from his dynasty. It was our first president's favourite.
It's tasty; with 50 % discount all evening* You will not be hungry for days!!!
Find us on 23 Sriwijaya Street, Nganjuk
* discount is for Sunday only
17. From the text we know that Pak Tomi's dynasty … the mainstay food many years ago.
A. cooks
B. is cooking
C. was cooking
D. will be cooking
18. Until now Pak Tomi … the recipe to make Javanese Fried Noodle.
A uses
B. is using
C. was using
D. will be using
19. The customers … the discount next Sunday evening.
A. enjoy
B. are enjoying
C. were enjoying
D. will be enjoying​

16. Deva Look! The clown … the children,


16. A

17. C

18. A

19. A


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