Kamila What did you do along day at home?
Kamila What a poor girl you are! Hup. sorry, I am just kidding
Kamila What did you do last weekend, Nia?
Kamila Wow. That's very nice!
Insania Nothing special. I didn't do any fun activities like you I was just at home on Saturday
Insania Yeah, at least that's what I could do for my last Saturday
Insania No problem
Insania I spent my time for online studying. But for relaxation, I sometimes moved to front of television or
played online game with my brother
Compare the simple present tense and simple past tense by changing the present tense text below into the
17 Arrange these sentences into a comprehensive dialoguel
Kamila; What did you do last weekend, Nia?
Insania: Nothing special. I didn't do any fun activities like you I was just at home on Saturday
Kamila: What did you do along day at home?
Insania: I spent my time for online studying. But for relaxation, I sometimes moved to front of television or played online game with my brother.
Kamila: Wow. That's very nice!
Insania: Yeah, at least that's what I could do for my last Saturday
(yg dibawah gajelas harus kemana)
Kamila: What a poor girl you are! Hup. sorry, I am just kidding
Insania: No problem